Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Lesson, 24/01/2011

Today in lesson we learnt the main factors of a magazine cover. I quickly realised how much actually goes into a front cover, I guess I never really gave it much thought to be honest! So indeed it was a shock for me. We discussed:
- Mast head
- Date line
- Main image
- Cover lines
- Main cover line
- Left third
- Barcode
- Selling line

I was particularly interested into what a left third was, I hadn't even heard about it until then, I never realised how important it actually was, this has given me alot more to think about for my own magazine cover. I am determined to get it right!

Then we was given a sample magazine cover to analyse such things as the fonts and colours used and how it was effective and relates to the nature of the magazine and its audience, I found it difficult at first but when looking at the various at different ways aside from the normal viewpoint it became simpler.

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