Friday, 18 February 2011

MixMag Analysis

The genre of Mixmag magazine is dance and club music, and is clearly identified by having their genre labelled at the top of its front cover on every issue I came across. From my own knowledge and understand the club and dance theme are popular in some type of teenagers after leaving school and into the age of going to clubs for the first time, it is also known that at this age it is known that many experiment with drugs, hence almost the whole front cover focusing on this topic.

The design of this magazine is quite simple. It begins with a purple background; the shade is dark enough for contrasting colours to be used well but vibrant enough to make it stand out in a typical magazine rack. The title font is white and lower case, the ‘I’ and the ‘x’ are altered to which I presume is their trademark look for the title, the text is large enough to spread across most of the top part of the page with room for a small cover line which has a yellow and pink border. Again contrasting colours against the purple background but not bright enough to become painful to the eye.

Then moving down the page the main headline is centred and takes up a good third of the page, the font is ‘funky’ which you associate with clubs etc. The main part of the text is yellow with half the lettering's border being blue and the other pink, again vibrant but not at a high level. Moving onto the right hand side of the cover going towards the bottom you have 5 cover lines which still link to the main headline, the sub heading is a paler purple text and ¼ of the size than the main headline, then each cover line varies into a pattern of yellow and pink, the text is the same size as the subheading and not bold. The font is different from the main headline and cover lines for obvious reasons. Then the remaining space of the magazine is taken up by the magazines free gift, a CD of an artist producing club music.

The bar code is also on the cover along with the date of publication. Since the magazine is a monthly one a common trait is to have it a month ahead from the actual publication. The price is also shown, £4.20 which would be seen as a reasonable price for a monthly publication.

In my opinion I believe this is a good magazine cover, but its weakness for me is that it could of featured more on the front cover which will be included into the magazine, although its headline is important, the cover lines could’ve of been changed to have the magazines other features.

Audience profile

For this magazine I believe that the target audience will be both males and females, age ranging from 17/18 to mid-twenties who have a deep enough interest in this genre to buy this magazine, they would either be in c2 or D category when it comes to class and I’d presume their occupation(s) would be either a university student, a part/full time work with jobs such as a DJ for clubs or works in retail that sells things related to this genre of music or just unemployed yet wanting to get a job in this genre of the music industry. Their interests would be this genre of music, socialising with friends/meeting new people, going out to clubs, gigs and maybe even raves, and to live their live, even it means doing things that are illegal such a drug taking, as at this age it is know that people do experiment with things like drugs, sex and alcohol. Their style clothes (on an overall assumption) would be those associated with rave music such as multi-coloured tops and maybe combat clothing, but on the contrary a person fitting the target audience may have a completely different style. The target audience of this genre would have a care-free attitude on life and free to ‘go with the flow’ and gain life experiences early on in their own lives.

I think this magazine fits the target audience well by the use of bold colours, having a headline that would make a typical reader think twice and may want to find out what’s in the drugs that they may possibly be taking whilst on a night out to improve their night and maybe even not remember it in the morning. Also by featuring the free gift (A CD of a clubbing artist) may also be appealing to the readers as they may like this artist, or a reader who wants to find new or more artists to listen to and having this CD will be a brilliant opportunity for them.

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