Friday, 1 April 2011

Magazine ideas.

For my magazine I have decided to have mine as an indie/rock genre of music. There are many magazines that follow the same route such as Kerrang! NME and Q as the main ones. Compared to pop magazines they are more 'mature' due to the fact their target audiences are different. The typical target audience for these types of magazines are late teenagers and young adults. I am particularly interested in NME and Q, for their magazines are more indie compared to Kerrang! But as you can see from their main images of Eminem (NME) and Q (Paul McCartney from The Beatles) they focus on other genres also. Looking through these magazines have given me many ideas when it comes to colour, images and style of writing I need for my own magazine, and what type of things I could have as advertisers, and the descison whether to have my magazine as a monthly or weekly editions. Also by looking at these magazines their positioning of headlines and whats on the left third and even their bar code vary.
On my magazine I plan to have the bar code away from clashing with anything and to have it on the right hand side instead of left third as the left third is used for when magazines are stacked on each other for example when they are in supermarkets/newsagents.

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